3 Ways To Boost Efficiency While Working Remotely
There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for the coronavirus pandemic, but that doesn’t mean remote work is going away anytime soon. In fact, companies have found remote work has allowed them to expand their talent pool, save on the costs of physical locations, and boost employee morale.
For some, the switch from in-person to remote work still has its challenges. Luckily, Team Focus Forward is here with 3 ways to boost efficiency while working remotely!
#1. Constant Feedback is a Must in the WFH Era
One of the biggest challenges of working remotely is that communication can be sporadic. However, it doesn’t have to be. One of the most impactful ways to maintain a positive environment is by creating a channel for constant feedback and communication.
We know that people perform better when they have a clear direction. So, whether the communication and feedback are via performance reviews, or in a coworker peer program, any way that you can create a channel for feedback and collaboration will keep your team motivated and connected–no matter where the office is.
#2. Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Many people felt that when the pandemic started, the work-life balance would be too difficult to maintain because there was no clear separation between home and the office. However, when you as the employer, supervisor, manager, etc. can work together with employees to boost an emotionally stable environment that allows them to have clear clock-in, clock-out times, your employees will not only thank you, but you’ll see a return on their overall efficiency.
Some examples of ways to encourage employees to have a work-life balance include:
- Health and wellness programs for employee usage
- Encourage employees to take breaks for physical activity
- Schedule regular check-ins
- Reserve one day of the week for a digital hangout with the team, be it a Friday morning coffee talk, Thursday end-of-day happy hour, etc.
#3. Utilize the Collaboration Tools
While many of us need to take time to unplug, there are many digital collaboration tools that help keep your team connected and increase efficiency during the workday.
Some communication tools include:
- Slack
- Web-Based Platform Interviews
- Skype
- Google Hangouts
- Dropbox
And so many more.
The remote work environment is here to stay, and Focus Forward is here to help you move the team forward.
Need more tips? Check out our top 5 essential tips for productive remote working.
Focus Forward Your Team!
Just as Focus Forward has adapted and embraced rapid changes in technology over the last 17 years, we have seamlessly transitioned to an all-remote team as the best way to keep our staff and their family safe during this global crisis. We are still here working, 7 days a week! Our virtual doors are open for your project: nationwide recruiting, transcription, incentive processing, product tests, translation, or open-end coding. Reach out to our team anytime!