Product testing and in home usage tests are vital to the success in the consumer marketplace. Here at Focus Forward, our team helps researchers and brands achieve insights and feedback on products in their real life environment. From respondent recruitment to incentives, and every step in between – our firm flawlessly supports your field team.
Imagine your product test in field with one firm that is right, every step of the way
Feel easier? It is!
Respondent Recruitment
Our team will make sure the best possible respondents are recruited by our phone room or online panel. They will be engaged and informed about your project, regardless of the number of steps or call backs. We get the right people for your project, every time.
Incentive Processing
Our incentive team steps in at the end to make sure the people in your project receive their incentives. Panelists have points credited to their account and higher paying qualitative respondents have checks mailed to a physical address, unless your team selects one of our electronic incentive options. Respondents can easily check the incentive site to see where their incentive is in the process here so they feel valued and informed.
Data Collection
Specialists in data collection, our in house programming team will create surveys for your project in Decipher and deliver data quickly and as often as your team would like. Follow up surveys are delivered fast and our response rates are very high. When you are looking over your data, know that multiple data formats are available and we have an in house team to code your open ends, if that if helpful. For qualitative data, we book interviews with your moderator or whatever format your project takes. Experienced in TDI, Web Ethnographies and every type of qualitative research, data collection is always a yes.
Our experienced team will expertly manage the fulfillment of the products to the respondents. Ship to our central location and we will make sure they are individually packaged exactly to specifications and reach the recruited respondent or are replaced. Need that extra product back? No problem! We organize, number, and return products to you that we don’t ship out. If you want the respondent to return the product to us after use, we provide that service as well. We are here to make fulfillment as easy as possible for your team.
Every Step Handled
Making Product Tests Easy! Creating Undeniable Results
Be it controlled environments like an in-person focus group or at the respondents’ leisure, our team will be able to track and code the respondents’ experiences to get you the valuable insight needed. Let’s face it, product tests have so many moving parts– finding the participants, shipping out products, collecting data, and ensuring that respondents are doing their part–it can be a lot. But our team will handle it all seamlessly.